The 77th Launch In 2023 For SpaceX Is Complete With Starlink 6-24 Liftoff At 10:17 PM From SLC-40 Cape Canaveral Florida On October 21st 2023!
On a calm cloud free space coast evening SpaceX Starlink 6-24 rumbled through the night at 10:17 PM Liftoff with first stage Falcon 9 booster B-1080-4 making its 4th flight into space and landed on ASOG downrange in the Bahamas. Weather was 95% Go For Launch this evening.
Additional SpaceX statistics are the 266th Falcon 9 launch, the 210th reflight of a first stage booster, the record 164th consecutive booster landing, the 77th launch for SpaceX in 2023 so far, the 150th launch from SLC-40.
Congratulations to the entire SpaceX Elon Musk team for tonights success.