ULA Launches Their Second Rocket IN 2023 With NROL-107 Silent-Barker At 8:47 AM September 10th, 2023
A beautiful early morning launch from the space coast with ULA's second launch of the year with two different types of rockets at 8:47 AM Sunday with this classified mission NROL-107.
The AtlasV 551 configuration has just over two million pounds of thrust at liftoff as seen in the attached engine photos about 75 yards from the rocket and flame trench With five solid rocket boosters strapped on to the vehicle the rocket plume is a spectacular sight to see from liftoff to solid booster & first stage separation.
Two previous attempts to launch were scrubbed due to Hurricane Idalia and an ordinace sensor malfunction.
Congraulations to ULA and the NRO teams of today's success. This marks their 98th overall Atlas V mission and the 157th total corporate ULA mission with a one hundred percent success rate!
Photos by Scott Schilke SpaceNewsFl.com